Doris’ Dream

Doris came to the United States two years ago, without knowing any English. She said  all she knew was just little skills on how to say “how are you?” and “thank you”. Her father was a computer worker who even owned his own company. She said ” We had a great life back in Benin”. She likes the school here not meaning that she hated the one back in her hometown, ” I appreciate everything the teachers have done for me” says Doris. When she grows up her wish is to become a lawyer or a journalists. She says” I have thought of becoming a lawyer because In the back of my mind i have just one idea and it is to help immigrants who come here to be free and have the same opportunities as an American”. She wants to help her family and make a better life for herself ” i feel bad how immigrants are treated here”. Doris wants to make a change in the world and I hope she succeeds.

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